Julia A. Slack
Scholastic Ministry
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
- Rev. Dr. Martin L. King Jr.
Vision Statement
The New Hope Baptist Church of East Orange “Julia A. Slack Scholastic Ministry” partners with God and the church family to provide a bridge that advances the minds of our youth to ensure their future successes.
Ministry Objectives:
Develop leadership and educational programs for college-bound students who are pursuing academic excellence.
Offers scholarships to qualified individuals and pursuit of a higher education
Provide support and resources to college-bound students related to identifying colleges and understanding admissions and financial aid requirements
About Julia A. Slack
The Julia A. Slack Scholarship fund was established as a memorial to Sister Julia A. Slack. Sis. Slack was a dedicated Christian teacher of young people, who was concerned about their spiritual and scholarly development. Sis. Slack loved the Lord and gave abundantly of her time, talent and resources so that others might come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Her life is an example for everyone. Moreover, it encourages us to seek the wisdom and understanding that only comes from a closer relationship with God. In gratitude to our Heavenly Father, we remember the life of Sis. Slack who entered her heavenly home on February 27th 1982. Her joy of spirit and strong faith which overflowed into our lives and was a blessing to us. Her memory is etched in our hearts and commemorated by the beautiful stained glass above the choir stand in the chapel which is donated in her honor.
Scholarship Details & Application Instructions
Award Presentation and Recognition
The Julia A. Slack Memorial Scholarship recipients will be announced in August 2024.
Applicant Criteria
Applicant must be an active member of New Hope BaptistChurch of East Orange. Evidence of involvement must be noted in the application.
1. Have at minimum a 2.5 cumulative grade point average
2. Must enroll fulltime - 12 credits or more.
3. Must have established a record of service ni high school or college, provide leadership and/or community service activities with attention given to academic, career, and church endeavors.
High School or Campus Leadership
This is to be demonstrated ni one or more ways and may include a) having made significant contributions to the quality of school life, improvements in the college or high school community, or through distinctive service to the student body, and/or b) having demonstrated exceptional leadership as a member of an executive board of a student organization or in a highly visible campus position.
Community and Church Service Activity
This is volunteer work that you participate in that highlights your initiative ni contributing ot solving problems in your neighborhood, community and church. This work should address societal or civic issues and be carried out in partnership on behalf of local, statewide, national, or international organizations.
How to Apply
The application link can be below here. The applicant must upload the following required documents:
Applicant must submit or show proof of request for the latest available official transcript.
Information should be included that describes the grading system, e.g. A=4.0, B=3.0, etc. UnofficialTranscripts may be included with application but an official transcript must be received before the committee wil make final approval of award.
Students entering college for the first time must submit a copy of his or her college acceptance letter.
A letter of recommendation from any clergy, ministry chair or member of the Deacon Board.
A personal reference letter from mentor, teacher, coach or other school official.
The Scholarship committee will request a personal interview to discuss academic goals and achievements.
The applicant will be notified by phone, or email of their scheduled interview time.
Application Due Date
Application submissions are ongoing at this time.